Informácie o knihe
100 carefully curated, useful things that will stimulate your baby or toddler's natural curiosity about the world around them... Help your little one learn important vocabulary and build knowledge with this first word and picture book. Cleverly designed to inform and entertain, 100 First Things to Know takes your little one on an exciting learning adventure.As they point to the pictures and say the words, children can soon recognise colours, shapes, and patterns, count to 10, learn about life cycles, and name weathers and seasons. They will also be introduced to words from the worlds of art, music, maths, and science. Part of an award-winning first word book series that mixes engaging, real-life photos with entertaining illustrations, 100 First Things to Know has big, colourful, toddler-tough pages showing lots of things to talk about, learn about, and smile about! The clear word labels encourage naming and picture-and-word association, building language and reading readiness, and every page is a visual treat, making this beautiful look-and-point board book an attractive baby, toddler, or preschool gift.
EAN : | 9780241397282 |
Katalógové číslo: | 1292367 |
Rok vydania: | 2020 |
Jazyk: | EN |
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