Informácie o knihe
Following the success of the international bestseller, 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO, Nigel Cumberland turns his attention to productivity. 100 THINGS PRODUCTIVE PEOPLE DO distills all the wisdom of a lifetime of coaching successful business people into 100 short chapters showing you how to boost your productivity and get things done. It is packed with great ideas for achieving more and creating success.Explore the habits, tools, techniques and mentality of highly productive people and discover how to effortlessly take on your to-do list. Every chapter features a new idea that will help you work smarter, not harder. Mixing simple explanations with activities and exercises, you'll learn the optimal mindset and habits you need to succeed.Praise for 100 THINGS SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE DO'Inside these pages you'll find a powerful reminder of the many ways you can make your life - and other people's lives - more successful. It will help you identify what success means to you and give you the building blocks for making that success a reality. This is your chance to overcome whatever obstacles are stopping you.Read it, act on it and experience the difference' Marshall Goldsmith Ph.D., bestselling author of TRIGGERS
EAN : | 9781529389975 |
Katalógové číslo: | 1378827 |
Rok vydania: | 2022 |
Jazyk: | anglický |
Počet strán: | 240 |
Väzba: | tvrdá |
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