Informácie o knihe
This beautifully illustrated pop science book which answers the enduring questions raised by science fiction, such as â€oDo hoverboards really exist?â€?, â€oHow can you bring a dinosaur back to life?â€? and â€oCan we really travel in time and space?â€?
Packed with stunning images, including 75 illustrations created exclusively for this book, Blueprint for a Battlestarâ&,nbsp,takes twenty-five remarkable and memorable technologies from the world of sci-fi, from Star Wars and The Matrix to Ironman and The Terminator. Each concept will be explained and dissected to reveal the real science behind it. Some are boldly obvious – such as the Death Star and exoskeletons – and some less so (think bio-ports or cloaking devices). All are fascinating and will make wonderful explorations into the science of the future as we understand it today.
EAN : | 9781781315934 |
Katalógové číslo: | 1378368 |
Rok vydania: | 2016 |
Jazyk: | anglický |
Počet strán: | 192 |
Väzba: | tvrdá |
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