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Future is Degrowth
autor neuvedený

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Kniha Future is Degrowth
26,95 €
25,60 € Bežná cena knihy
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Future is Degrowth
autor neuvedený

Na sklade

Vydavateľstvo: Slovart
Rok vydania: 2022 Jazyk: anglický Počet strán: 320

Economic growth isn't working, and it cannot be made to work. Offering a counter-history of how economic growth emerged in the context of colonialism, fossil-fueled...

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dostupnosť v našich predajniach

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior

Rok vydania:2022

Economic growth isn't working, and it cannot be made to work. Offering a counter-history of how economic growth emerged in the context of colonialism, fossil-fueled industrialization, and capitalist modernity, The Future Is Degrowth argues that the ideology of growth conceals the rising inequalities and ecological destructions associated with capitalism, and points to desirable alternatives to it. Not only in society at large, but also on the left, we are held captive by the hegemony of growth.Even proposals for emancipatory Green New Deals or postcapitalism base their utopian hopes on the development of productive forces, on redistributing the fruits of economic growth and technological progress. Yet growing evidence shows that continued economic growth cannot be made compatible with sustaining life and is not necessary for a good life for all. This book provides a vision for postcapitalism beyond growth.Building on a vibrant field of research, it discusses the political economy and the politics of a non-growing economy. It charts a path forward through policies that democratise the economy, ",now-topias", that create free spaces for experimentation, and counter-hegemonic movements that make it possible to break with the logic of growth. Degrowth perspectives offer a way to step off the treadmill of an alienating, expansionist, and hierarchical system.A handbook and a manifesto, The Future Is Degrowth is a must-read for all interested in charting a way beyond the current crises.

Počet strán:320
EAN :9781839765841
Katalógové číslo :1382602

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
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Informácie o knihe

Economic growth isn't working, and it cannot be made to work. Offering a counter-history of how economic growth emerged in the context of colonialism, fossil-fueled industrialization, and capitalist modernity, The Future Is Degrowth argues that the ideology of growth conceals the rising inequalities and ecological destructions associated with capitalism, and points to desirable alternatives to it. Not only in society at large, but also on the left, we are held captive by the hegemony of growth.Even proposals for emancipatory Green New Deals or postcapitalism base their utopian hopes on the development of productive forces, on redistributing the fruits of economic growth and technological progress. Yet growing evidence shows that continued economic growth cannot be made compatible with sustaining life and is not necessary for a good life for all. This book provides a vision for postcapitalism beyond growth.Building on a vibrant field of research, it discusses the political economy and the politics of a non-growing economy. It charts a path forward through policies that democratise the economy, ",now-topias", that create free spaces for experimentation, and counter-hegemonic movements that make it possible to break with the logic of growth. Degrowth perspectives offer a way to step off the treadmill of an alienating, expansionist, and hierarchical system.A handbook and a manifesto, The Future Is Degrowth is a must-read for all interested in charting a way beyond the current crises.

EAN :9781839765841
Katalógové číslo:1382602
Rok vydania:2022
Počet strán:320
Pridať do košíka Pridať do košíka
dostupnosť v našich predajniach

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
Kniha Future is Degrowth
26,95 €
25,60 € Odporúčaná cena knihy

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