The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men
autor neuvedený

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Kniha The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men
13,95 €
13,25 € Bežná cena knihy
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The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men
autor neuvedený

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Vydavateľstvo: Slovart
Rok vydania: 2021 Jazyk: EN Počet strán: 256

Is mathematics a discovery or an invention? Do numbers truly exist? What sort of reality do formulas describe?The complexity of mathematics - its abstract rules...

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  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior

Rok vydania:2021

Is mathematics a discovery or an invention? Do numbers truly exist? What sort of reality do formulas describe?The complexity of mathematics - its abstract rules and obscure symbols - can seem very distant from the everyday. There are those things that are real and present, it is supposed, and then there are mathematical concepts: creations of our mind, mysterious tools for those unengaged with the world. Yet, from its most remote history and deepest purpose, mathematics has served not just as a way to understand and order, but also as a foundation for the reality it describes.In this elegant book, mathematician and philosopher Paolo Zellini offers a brief cultural and intellectual history of mathematics, ranging widely from the paradoxes of ancient Greece to the sacred altars of India, from Mesopotamian calculus to our own contemporary obsession with algorithms. Masterful and illuminating, The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men transforms our understanding of mathematical thinking, showing that it is inextricably linked with the philosophical and the religious as well as the mundane - and, indeed, with our own very human experience of the universe.

Počet strán:256
EAN :9780141986487
Katalógové číslo :1313909

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
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Informácie o knihe

Is mathematics a discovery or an invention? Do numbers truly exist? What sort of reality do formulas describe?The complexity of mathematics - its abstract rules and obscure symbols - can seem very distant from the everyday. There are those things that are real and present, it is supposed, and then there are mathematical concepts: creations of our mind, mysterious tools for those unengaged with the world. Yet, from its most remote history and deepest purpose, mathematics has served not just as a way to understand and order, but also as a foundation for the reality it describes.In this elegant book, mathematician and philosopher Paolo Zellini offers a brief cultural and intellectual history of mathematics, ranging widely from the paradoxes of ancient Greece to the sacred altars of India, from Mesopotamian calculus to our own contemporary obsession with algorithms. Masterful and illuminating, The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men transforms our understanding of mathematical thinking, showing that it is inextricably linked with the philosophical and the religious as well as the mundane - and, indeed, with our own very human experience of the universe.

EAN :9780141986487
Katalógové číslo:1313909
Rok vydania:2021
Počet strán:256
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dostupnosť v našich predajniach

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
Kniha The Mathematics of the Gods and the Algorithms of Men
13,95 €
13,25 € Odporúčaná cena knihy

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