The Most Dangerous Man in America
autor neuvedený

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Kniha The Most Dangerous Man in America
13,95 €
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The Most Dangerous Man in America
autor neuvedený

U dodávateľa

Vydavateľstvo: Slovart
Rok vydania: 2021 Jazyk: EN Počet strán: 400

'It's a rollicking tale that brings to life the antic atmosphere of America in the 'Me' Decade' Wall Street Journal'A madcap chase... this is a...

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Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior

Rok vydania:2021

'It's a rollicking tale that brings to life the antic atmosphere of America in the 'Me' Decade' Wall Street Journal'A madcap chase... this is a well-written chronicle of 28 months when the world went slightly mad' Sunday Times'A suitably head-spinning account of LSD High Priest Dr Timothy Leary' Mail on SundayOn the moonlit evening of September 12, 1970, an ex-Harvard professor with a genius IQ studies a twelve-foot high fence topped with barbed wire. A few months earlier, Dr.Timothy Leary, the High Priest of LSD, had been running a gleeful campaign for California governor against Ronald Reagan. Now, Leary is six months into a ten-year prison sentence for the crime of possessing two marijuana cigarettes. Aided by the radical Weather Underground, Leary's escape from prison is the counterculture's union of ",dope and dynamite,", aimed at sparking a revolution and overthrowing the government.Inside the Oval Office, President Richard Nixon drinks his way through sleepless nights as he expands the war in Vietnam and plots to unleash the United States government against his ever-expanding list of domestic enemies. Antiwar demonstrators are massing by the tens of thousands, homemade bombs are exploding everywhere, Black Panther leaders are threatening to burn down the White House, and all the while Nixon obsesses over tracking down Timothy Leary, whom he has branded ",the most dangerous man in America.",Based on freshly uncovered primary sources and new firsthand interviews, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA is an American thriller that takes readers along for the gonzo ride of a lifetime. Spanning twenty-eight months, President Nixon's careening, global manhunt for Dr.Timothy Leary winds its way among homegrown radicals, European aristocrats, a Black Panther outpost in Algeria, an international arms dealer, hash-smuggling hippies from the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, and secret agents on four continents, culminating in one of the trippiest journeys through the American counterculture.

Počet strán:400
EAN :9781529328202
Katalógové číslo :1307242

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
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Informácie o knihe

'It's a rollicking tale that brings to life the antic atmosphere of America in the 'Me' Decade' Wall Street Journal'A madcap chase... this is a well-written chronicle of 28 months when the world went slightly mad' Sunday Times'A suitably head-spinning account of LSD High Priest Dr Timothy Leary' Mail on SundayOn the moonlit evening of September 12, 1970, an ex-Harvard professor with a genius IQ studies a twelve-foot high fence topped with barbed wire. A few months earlier, Dr.Timothy Leary, the High Priest of LSD, had been running a gleeful campaign for California governor against Ronald Reagan. Now, Leary is six months into a ten-year prison sentence for the crime of possessing two marijuana cigarettes. Aided by the radical Weather Underground, Leary's escape from prison is the counterculture's union of ",dope and dynamite,", aimed at sparking a revolution and overthrowing the government.Inside the Oval Office, President Richard Nixon drinks his way through sleepless nights as he expands the war in Vietnam and plots to unleash the United States government against his ever-expanding list of domestic enemies. Antiwar demonstrators are massing by the tens of thousands, homemade bombs are exploding everywhere, Black Panther leaders are threatening to burn down the White House, and all the while Nixon obsesses over tracking down Timothy Leary, whom he has branded ",the most dangerous man in America.",Based on freshly uncovered primary sources and new firsthand interviews, THE MOST DANGEROUS MAN IN AMERICA is an American thriller that takes readers along for the gonzo ride of a lifetime. Spanning twenty-eight months, President Nixon's careening, global manhunt for Dr.Timothy Leary winds its way among homegrown radicals, European aristocrats, a Black Panther outpost in Algeria, an international arms dealer, hash-smuggling hippies from the Brotherhood of Eternal Love, and secret agents on four continents, culminating in one of the trippiest journeys through the American counterculture.

EAN :9781529328202
Katalógové číslo:1307242
Rok vydania:2021
Počet strán:400
Pridať do košíka Pridať do košíka
dostupnosť v našich predajniach

Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.

  • titul je skladom
  • posledné kusy
  • momentálne nedostupný
  • Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Bratislava - Obchodná 62
  • Bratislava - OC Danubia
  • Bratislava - OC RETRO
  • Bratislava - Tesco EXTRA, Zlaté Piesky
  • Košice - Železničná stanica
  • Liptovský Mikuláš - OC Centrál
  • Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
  • Nitra - OD Prior
  • Partizánske - OD Prior
  • Piešťany - OD Prior
  • Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
  • Prievidza - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OD Prior
  • Trenčín - OC Južanka
  • Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
  • Zvolen - OD Prior
  • Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior
Kniha The Most Dangerous Man in America
13,95 €
13,25 € Odporúčaná cena knihy

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