Informácie o knihe
If you want to learn how to conform to confound, raze hopes, succeed your successor, order absence in the absence of order, win by losing and think contrapositively, look no further. Here you can unlock the secrets of Plato's void, Wittgenstein's investigations, Schopenhauer's intelligence test, Voltaire's big bet, Russell's slip of the pen and lobster logic. Among your discoveries will be why the egg came before the chicken, what the dishwasher missed and just what it was that made Descartes disappear.
Experience the unbearable lightness of logical conclusions in Professor Sorensen's intriguing cabinet of riddles, problems, paradoxes, puzzles and the anomalies of human utterance. As you accompany him on investigations into the mysteries of truth, falsehood, reason and delusion, prepare to be surprised, enlightened, mystified and, above all, entertained.
EAN : | 9781846685224 |
Katalógové číslo: | 1210913 |
Rok vydania: | 2017 |
Jazyk: | anglický |
Počet strán: | 304 |
Väzba: | brožovaná väzba |
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dostupnosť v našich predajniach
Údaje o skladovej dostupnosti sú len orientačné a môžu sa v priebehu dňa meniť. Ceny v predajniach sa môžu líšiť od
internetových cien. Skladové zásoby v našich predajniach neslúžia na vybavovanie internetových objednávok.
- titul je skladom
- posledné kusy
- momentálne nedostupný
- Banská Bystrica - OD Prior
- Bratislava - Obchodná 62
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- Košice - Železničná stanica
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- Martin - Ulica 29. augusta 5
- Nitra - OD Prior
- Partizánske - OD Prior
- Piešťany - OD Prior
- Považská Bystrica - OD Prior
- Prievidza - OD Prior
- Trenčín - OD Prior
- Trenčín - OC Južanka
- Trnava - OD Coop Jednota
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- Žiar nad Hronom - OD Prior