ŠTIKÚT STRAŠNÝ ŠŤUKOVEG III., autor týchto kníh, sa raz stane obávaným šermiarom, amatérskym prírodovedcom a najväčším vikingským hrdinom všetkých čias. No aj najväčší vikingskí hrdinovia...
Slovensko je tradičná vinohradnícka krajina s bohatou históriou a potenciálom na pestovanie viniča a výrobu vína. Slováci to už dávno dobre vedia, zvyšok sveta sa...
Presents for the first time recipes from 2005 to 2011, from elBulli...
Modernist Bread: The Art and Science is a revolutionary new understanding of one of the most important staples of the human diet. Created by the...
A work written by the winner of the Guild of Food Writers Food Book of the Year....
Where do wine grapes come from and how are they related to each other? What is the historical background of each grape variety? Where are...
A French pastry chef providers the tools and instruction you need to master the art of classic French bread and dough-based baked goods with this...
The definitive book on Japan's national drink, this visually stunning celebration of the culture, craft, and history of sake pairs perfectly with the growing boom...
Moje první publikace je určena všem, kteří milují jídlo, život, cestování a hledání nových pestrých chutí a vůní. Všem, kteří rádi objevují barevné světové kultury...
The book that redefines home cookery for the twenty-first century...
One hundred and fifty recipes are presented in this cookbook, many of them unique to the author's restaurant, such as lobster-filled crepes with a carrot-emulsion...
From the same team that created Let's Eat France! comes this celebration of Italian food in the form of an oversized, obsessively complete, visual feast...
There's never been a book about food like Let's Eat France! A book that feels literally larger than life, it is a feast for food...
An essential guide to vibrant, vegetarian Mexican home cooking, including naturally vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free dishes Vegetarian food is deeply woven into Mexico's diverse culinary...
Pardiz is a personal journey into Manuela Darling-Gansser's ",",paradise past",",. Having lived in Iran for the first nine years of her life, she returned as...
Celebrating chicken s central place in the world s culinary repertoire, this book gathers more than 1,000 recipes along with anecdotes, stories, and trivia from...
The bible of Indian home cooking, with over 1,000 recipes....